Is Teletherapy a good fit for you?
Telehealth might be a good fit for you if you have access to the following:
Internet Access
Do you have a good internet connection?
For optimal results, a reliable, high-speed internet connection with a bandwidth above 10-15 mbps will minimize connection issues and provide the best quality
Check your internet speeds here:
Is your browser supported? If not, let’s get you updated:
Google Chrome version 87
Mozilla Firefox version 84
Apple Safariversion 14
Microsoft Edge version 87
Internet Explorer is no longer supported
Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser
Enable cookies in Chrome by following these steps
Enable cookies in Safari by following these steps
Enable cookies in Firefox by following these steps
Access to Technology
Do you have access to a relatively new laptop, tablet or phone?
If you plan to use your phone, please download the app Telehealth by Simple Practice
Secure Space
Do you have a private space for our session?
Room with a closing door
Your car while parked
These steps help to ensure that you and I will have a good session. At times, there may be some issues that are better taken care of in person. If this is determined, I will provide you with appropriate referrals in your area.